Your life. Your style. Your terms.
Imagine having unparalleled access to the very thing you cherish most, your time. North Pointe Ten Concierge Services by Align is your ultimate, highly personalized concierge service that frees you up to live your life more fully.
From the everyday essentials to the unexpected–and even to the extraordinary–we’ll tend to your life’s more tedious, taxing and time-consuming tasks so you’re freed up to be more productive, healthy, and happy. Our mission is to meet your every need, want, and expectation– with professionalism, discretion, and your complete satisfaction–every time you turn to us.

Services including snow removal, leaf blowing, annual grass aeration, lawn upkeep, irrigation monitoring (lawn & plants), sprinkler winterizing, yearly exterior window cleaning, furnace cleaning and yearly maintenance. We also provide home check-ins when you are away and coordinate in-home warranty requests.

Silver package + sourcing & management of the following: housekeeping, moving services, regular flower delivery, dog walking, home organization services, home repairs, personal chefs, audio visual coordination & equipment, grocery & supply stocking, and car washes/detailing.

Silver & Gold packages + access to our exclusive network of professionals including bespoke travel experiences, event planning, design consultation, gift procurement, sports/concert tickets, restaurant reservations, holiday décor coordination, and personal shopping. We also have an incredible team of massage therapists, personal trainers, nutritionists, acupuncturists, and more.